How to benefit from disruptive change in the energy sector – Amsterdam, Berlin, London

The energy sector is undergoing a deep transformation. Incumbent players are challenged by new market entrants, long-established practices are giving way to new technologies, traditional market structures are overturned by new regulations and business models.

We offer this unique executive programme zooming in on this far-reaching transformation. New business models, innovation and leadership and financing are at the heart of this programme which will take you to Amsterdam, Berlin and London. Nowhere else will you be able to gain similar critical insight into the energy transition.

How you benefit

  • Gain deep strategic insight into energy transition
  • Identify latest business models and value chains
  • Learn from top experts from different European countries
  • Includes e-learning, case studies and New Energy Essay
  • High practical use value

This programme is in cooperation with:

Logo Nyenrode Logo Agora Energiewende Logo of PWC The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

About the programme

This executive programme focuses on the development of new business models at a time of massive and disruptive change in the energy market. It has three main parts.

First, it looks at how value propositions are changing and how new value may be created in energy markets. Consumer focus is considered key to survival and success.Second, it addresses the role of energy companies in the changing energy landscape and looks at the innovation and leadership skills needed. Third, it focuses on the financial side of the energy transition: where will the hundreds of billions of euros needed for the transition come from and how can sustainable energy projects be financed.

Modules 1 and 2 are combined in the first week. In the middle of that week we travel from Amsterdam to Berlin by fast train. On the train, workshops will be held on the future of mobility. Module 3 takes place two months later in London, with a site visit to Oxford. In the intervening period you will write a New Energy Essay.

Download the brochure to find more information about the programme.

What you learn

  • Analyse how utilities adapt to decentralised energy production
  • Discuss and evaluate the challenges for incumbent and emerging energy companies
  • Recognise the global investment trends in energy transition
  • Evaluate project development models for renewable energy
  • Identify the key innovations in a changing energy world
  • Understand values, corporate ethics and developments in leadership

Who should attend

This executive programme is for mid/senior career level professionals with considerable working experience in the energy sector. For example:

  • Project and change managers
  • Business developers and strategy consultants/managers
  • Information systems managers
  • Marketing and performance consultants/managers
  • Innovation, research and development advisors

This programme is divided into 3 modules at 3 locations.

Module 1
  • Lecture 1 Monday 18 November 2024 08:30 - 17:30 Lecture 2 Tuesday 19 November 2024 08:30 - 17:30
  • LocationNyenrode Business University in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Module 2
  • Lecture 1 Wednesday 20 November 2024 08:30 - 17:30 Lecture 2 Thursday 21 November 2024 08:30 - 17:30 Lecture 3 Friday 22 November 2024 08:30 - 15:00
  • LocationBerlin, Germany
Module 3
  • Lecture 1 Tuesday 21 January 2025 19:00 - 21:00 Lecture 2 Wednesday 22 January 2025 08:30 - 17:30 Lecture 3 Thursday 23 January 2025 08:30 - 17:30 Lecture 4 Friday 24 January 2025 08:30 - 15:00
  • LocationLondon, United Kingdom
Bert Stuij, senior expert New Energy Business School

Bert Stuij

Bert Stuij (MSc.) is Senior Expert at our Business School and Manager National Programmes/Energy at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO, a government institution. Stuij works on our programme development and education with a specific focus on energy transition. At RVO, Stuij is responsible for renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy innovation policy. In 2022 he takes part in the Expert Team Energy Systems 2050 of the ministry of Climate and Energy of the Dutch National Government. Previously Stuij worked in the private sector for Shell and at various semi-private institutions (Novem) and government agencies (SenterNovem, AgentschapNL).

Reviews 2

The training broadened my horizons and complemented my range of vision of energy developments. It was interesting to experience what are the new trends and what other countries are doing. New knowledge helps to do my job differently, to see new opportunities where I have not seen them before. The training changed my world and pointed out that the right choices in my daily work would help to make energetics significantly more environmentally friendly.
Margus Raud - Development Manager Fortum Tartu
Great experience with New Energy Business School and this programme. Within Peterson and Control Union we find it of vital importance to learn and think about the future energy landscape and the continuous adaptable world we live in. It was a perfect fit to get a deep understanding of the geopolitical environment, financial considerations and leadership that is required to guide us through the Energy Transition. The lecturers and course director were renowned within the industry and inspiring to listen too. All in all, a great place to meet likeminded professionals and I can sincerely recommend this course to any future leaders of today.
Idwer Stolk - Commodity Inspections and Logistics at Control Union


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